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User:Ciencia Al Poder/jquery.mw.linksuggest.js

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 * jQuery MediaWiki LinkSuggest 1.1.0
 * JavaScript for LinkSuggest extension
 * Copyright (c) 2010
 * Authors: Inez Korczynski (korczynski at gmail dot com)
 *          Jesús Martínez Novo (martineznovo at gmail dot com)
 * Licensed under the GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) license.
 * Depends:
 *	jquery.ui
(function( $ ) {

$.widget( "mw.linksuggest", {
	options: {
		minLength: 3,
		delay: 300,
		url: window.wgScriptPath+window.wgScript
	_create: function() {
		var self = this;
		var opt = {
			source: function() {
				self._sendQuery.apply( self, arguments );
			focus: function() {
				// prevent value inserted on focus
				return false;
			select: function( event, ui ) {
				self._updateValue( ui.item );
				// prevent value inserted on select
				return false;
			open: function() {
				self._open.apply( self, arguments );
		// Opera only prevents default behavior on keypress, needed for capturin arrows and enter
		var eventType = $.browser.opera ? 'keypress' : 'keydown';
		this.options = $.extend( opt, this.options );
		this.element.autocomplete( this.options );
		// Overwrite the keydown event of autocomplete to fix some undesired key events
		this._legacyKeydown = this.element.data( 'events' ).keydown[0].handler;
		this.element.unbind( 'keydown.autocomplete' )
		.bind( eventType + '.linksuggest', function( thisInstance ) {
			return function() {
				thisInstance._keydown.apply(thisInstance, arguments);
		}( this ));
		// deactivate some menu weird behavior
		this.element.data( 'autocomplete' ).menu.options.blur = null;
	_legacyKeydown: null,
	_keydown: function( event ) {
		var keyCode = $.ui.keyCode;
		switch( event.keyCode ) {
			case keyCode.UP:
			case keyCode.DOWN:
				if ( !this.element.data( 'autocomplete' ).menu.element.is( ':visible' ) ) {
					// If menu element is not visible, ignore. Autocomplete event handler just prevents default behavior, which is not what we want
			case keyCode.TAB:
				// don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item
				if ( this.element.data( 'autocomplete' ).menu.active ) {
			case keyCode.ESCAPE:
				// return without setting any value
				this.element.data( 'autocomplete' ).close( event );
			case keyCode.PAGE_UP:
			case keyCode.PAGE_DOWN:
			case keyCode.LEFT:
			case keyCode.RIGHT:
			case keyCode.SHIFT:
			case keyCode.CONTROL:
			case keyCode.ALT:
			case keyCode.COMMAND:
			case keyCode.COMMAND_RIGHT:
			case keyCode.INSERT:
			case keyCode.CAPS_LOCK:
			case keyCode.END:
			case keyCode.HOME:
				// ignore metakeys (shift, ctrl, alt)
		// If we not already returned from this function, fire the old autocomplete handler
		if ( $.isFunction( this._legacyKeydown ) ) {
			this._legacyKeydown.apply( this.element.data( 'autocomplete' ), arguments )
	_sendQuery: function( request, response ) {
		var emptyset = [];
		var text = this._getText();
		var caret = this._getCaret();
		var sQueryStartAt = -1;
		var sQueryReal = '';
		var format = '';
		var stripPrefix = false;
		// Look forward, to see if we closed this one
		for ( var i = caret; i < text.length; i++ ) {
			var c = text.charAt( i );
			var c1 = ( i > 0 ? text.charAt( i - 1 ) : '' );
			// A line break, it isn't closed
			if ( c == '\n' ) {
			// A start of a link, so this link isn't closed
			if ( c == '[' && c1 == '[' ) {
			// A closing link and this was a link, exit
			if ( c == ']' && c1 == ']' ) {
				response( emptyset );
				return false;
			// A start of a template, so this template isn't closed
			if ( c == '{' && c1 == '{' ) {
			// A closing template and this was a template, exit
			if ( c == '}' && c1 == '}' ) {
				response( emptyset );
				return false;

		// Get the start of the link/template
		for ( var i = caret - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
			var c = text.charAt( i );
			// If nothing found after a line break, nothing to match
			if ( c == '\n' ) {
			// Closed link/template, a pipe or a hash. There's no link/template to complete, or we're on a parser function or link hash
			if ( c == ']' || c == '}' || c == '|' || c == '#' ) {
				response( emptyset );
				return false;

			// It's an open link
			if ( c == '[' && i > 0 && text.charAt( i - 1 ) == '[' ) {
				sQueryReal = text.substr( i + 1, ( caret - i - 1 ) );
				if ( sQueryReal.charAt( 0 ) == ':' ) {
					sQueryReal = sQueryReal.substr( 1 );
					format = '[[:$1]]';
				} else {
					format = '[[$1]]';
				sQueryStartAt = i;

			// It's an open template
			if ( c == '{' && i > 0 && text.charAt( i - 1 ) == '{' ) {
				// Exclude template parameters
				if ( i > 1 && text.charAt( i - 2 ) == '{' ) {
					response( emptyset );
					return false;
				sQueryReal = text.substr( i + 1, ( caret - i - 1 ) );
				if ( sQueryReal.length >= 6 && sQueryReal.toLowerCase().substr( 0, 6 ) == 'subst:' ) {
					if ( sQueryReal.length >= 7 && sQueryReal.charAt( 6 ) == ':' ) {
						sQueryReal = sQueryReal.substr( 7 );
						format = '{{Main page|en}}{{NOEXTERNALLANGLINKS}}<!--
-- To edit what appears on this page,
-- please see [[Template:Main_page]] 
-- https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Main_page
					} else {
						sQueryReal = 'Template:' + sQueryReal.substr( 6 );
						stripPrefix = true;
						format = '{{subst:$1}}';
				} else if ( sQueryReal.charAt( 0 ) == ':' ) {
					sQueryReal = sQueryReal.substr( 1 );
					format = '{{:$1}}';
				} else {
					sQueryReal = 'Template:' + sQueryReal;
					stripPrefix = true;
					format = '{{$1}}';
				sQueryStartAt = i;

		if ( sQueryStartAt >= 0 && sQueryReal.length > this.options.minLength ) {
			$.get( this.options.url, { action:'ajax', rs: 'getLinkSuggest', query: sQueryReal }, this._responseWrapper( this, response, format, stripPrefix ) );
			return true;
		response( emptyset );
		return false
	_responseWrapper: function( thisArg, callback, format, stripPrefix ) {
		return function( data ) {
			if ( data.length == 0 ) {
				return callback( [] );
			callback( thisArg._fomatResponse( data, format, stripPrefix ) );
	_fomatResponse: function( data, format, stripPrefix ) {
		return $.map( data.split( '\n' ), function( n ) {
			if ( stripPrefix ) {
				var pos = n.indexOf( ':' );
				if ( pos >= 0 ) {
					n = n.substr( pos + 1 );
			return { label: n, value: format.replace( '$1', n ) };
		} );
	_updateValue: function( oItem ) {

		var scrollTop = this.element[0].scrollTop;
		var text = this._getText();
		var caret = this._getCaret();
		var prefix = oItem.value.substr( 0, 2 );

		for ( var i = caret - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) { // break for templates and normal links
			if ( text.substr( i, 2 ) == prefix ) {

		var textBefore = text.substr( 0, i );
		var newVal = textBefore + oItem.value + text.substr( caret );
		this.element.val( newVal );

		this._setCaret( textBefore.length + oItem.value.length );
		this.element[0].scrollTop = scrollTop;
	_getCaret: function() {
		var caretPos = 0;
		var control = this.element[0];
		// IE Support
		if ( document.selection && document.selection.createRange ) {
			var sel = document.selection.createRange();
			var sel2 = sel.duplicate();
			sel2.moveToElementText( control );
			var caretPos = -1;
			while ( sel2.inRange( sel ) ) {
				sel2.moveStart( 'character' );
		// Firefox support
		} else if ( control.selectionStart || control.selectionStart == '0' ) {
			caretPos = control.selectionStart;
		return caretPos;
	_getText: function() {
		if ( document.selection && document.selection.createRange ) {
			return this.element.val();
		// jQuery.val() removes \n, we need them so we get the caret position correctly. That does not apply to document.selection
		return this.element[0].value;
	_setCaret: function( pos ) {
		var control = this.element[0];
		if ( control.setSelectionRange ) {
			control.setSelectionRange( pos, pos );
		} else if ( control.createTextRange ) {
			var range = control.createTextRange();
			range.collapse( true );
			range.moveEnd( 'character', pos );
			range.moveStart( 'character', pos );
	_getCaretPosition: function() {
		var control = this.element[0];
		var left = 0;
		var top = 0;
		var tester = $('<div style="position:absolute;top:-1000px;left:-1000px;white-space:pre-wrap;visibility:hidden;"></div>');
		var text = this._getText();
		var caret = this._getCaret();
		var initialcaret = caret;
		if ( caret == 0 ) {
			// This should never happen
			return [ 0, 0 ];
		// Get the position at the start of the link/template
		for ( var i = caret - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
			var c = text.charAt(i);
			if ( c == '[' || c == '{' ) {
				initialcaret = i + 1;
		// Create a tester container to get the size of the text before the caret, and thus the position inside the element
		// WARNING: You MUST apply a font-family CSS attribute to the textarea (to this particular one, or a generic
		//	`textarea {font-famly: whatever;}´) so IE could retrieve the correct font-family used, otherwise it may
		//  fail to position the drop-down correctly!
		var props = 'padding-top padding-right padding-bottom padding-left border-top-style border-right-style border-bottom-style border-left-style border-top-width border-right-width border-bottom-width border-left-width font-size font-family font-weight line-height'.split(' ');
		for ( var i = 0; i < props.length; i++ ) {
			tester.css( props[i], this.element.css( props[i] ) );
 		// Using clientWidth because if the textarea has scroll, the effective width for word wrap doesn't include the width used by the scrollbar
		tester.width( control.clientWidth ).appendTo( document.body ).text( text.substr( 0, caret ) );
		left = tester.outerWidth();
		top = tester.outerHeight() - control.scrollTop;
		var initialheight = tester.height();
		var paddingText = '';
		// Insert the text until the initial position of the element we want to suggest, plus a space, to get the characters needed to force a word wrap to a new line
		tester.text( text.substr( 0, initialcaret ) + ' ' );
		if ( tester.height() < initialheight ) {
			// If the height has been reduced then the element to suggest is forcing a word wrap to a new line and it's on the left side of the textarea
			left = 0;
		} else {
			// Get how many characters we need to force a word wrap to a new line, and then transform it in an actual size
			// If we go beyond 500, something must be wrong
			for ( var i = 1; i < 500; i++ ) {
				paddingText += 'A';
				// msie appendData doesn't update the height()
				if ( $.browser.msie ) {
					tester[0].firstChild.data += 'A';
				} else {
					tester[0].firstChild.appendData( 'A' );
				if ( tester.height() > initialheight ) {
					tester.css( 'width', 'auto' );
					left -= tester.outerWidth();
		return [ left, top ];
	_open: function( event, ui ) {
		var menu = this.element.data( 'autocomplete' ).menu.element;
		var offset = this._getCaretPosition();
		var width = menu.outerWidth();
		var props = { my: 'left top', at: 'left top', of: this.element, offset: offset.join( ' ' ), collision: 'fit none' };
		if ( offset.left + width > this.element.outerWidth() ) {
			props.my = 'right top';
		menu.width( '' ).position( props );


}( jQuery ));

// Implementation: This should be done injecting this code into MediaWiki, not in this JS file
$(function() {
	// Apply font-style for bug in IE. This should be done using a style sheet
	$( '#wpTextbox1' ).css('font-family', 'monospace').linksuggest();