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User talk:Remember the dot/Syntax highlighter.js

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This syntax does not highlight properly in Firefox 32.0.3 on Windows:

[{{fullurl:My page}} my text]

The {{fullurl:My page}} gets highlighted in yellow, but the external link syntax around it does not. I realize this is a tricky case because the syntax highlighter doesn't call the fullurl parser function, but maybe fullurl is common enough that it should be handled specially. --Maiden taiwan (talk) 15:33, 10 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

I think the fullurl syntax is different in different languages, which would make handling it difficult (this is the same reason why __NOTOC__ etc. are not highlighted). Maybe it's time to engineer in a language pack system to grab the localized text you need for your language and no others. To be honest though, I'm not sure that what you're doing is all that common, and maybe it could be better handled by writing a template that makes a fullurl link automatically. —Remember the dot (talk) 16:59, 10 October 2014 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for your quick reply! The fullurl pattern is the recommended solution when you're creating local links with query string arguments, like [{{fullurl:My page|oldid=1219584}} see old version]. On our wiki, this is reasonably common. Anyway, I hope my suggestions are helpful. Maiden taiwan (talk) 18:29, 10 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

r.style.clear = "both";


Just wanted to report that in order to make the highlights match the text on Persian Wikipedia I had to add r.style.clear = "both";textboxContainer.style.clear = "both"[1] to the code (which I think was required because of the special style of some of our toolbars). Thanks for this great gadget. Dalba 27 Aban 1393/ 11:11, 18 November 2014 (UTC)Reply

I just tried the mainline code on the Persian Wikipedia and I didn't see any problems. What browser and skin are you using? Have you enabled any special toolbars? (And by the way, the actual source code is at User:Remember the dot/Syntax highlighter.js.) —Remember the dot (talk) 06:57, 19 November 2014 (UTC)Reply
I'm using FF 33.1, vector skin. Yes, I've enable a non-default gadget (toolbar) on my account (Sorry that I didn't mention this before, I thought it is a default gadget). To reproduce the problem I think you need to run the code in this gadget so a toolbar will be added to top of the editbox. Then run your own code. Dalba 28 Aban 1393/ 07:26, 19 November 2014 (UTC)Reply
I thought this over and I decided to adopt your solution. The syntax highlighter forces the textbox to width:100% anyway, so I don't see the harm in clearing floating elements too. —Remember the dot (talk) 05:56, 11 December 2014 (UTC)Reply

Detecting changes to the text direction


As an RTL user I frequently need to switch direction of the text (using ctrl+shift+x in Firefox), but the direction of highlights is not changed accordingly. I don't know if it's possible or not, or how much it could affect the performance of the script, however it would be very nice if DotsSyntaxHighlighter could detect this. Thanks. Dalba 20 Azar 1393/ 06:51, 11 December 2014 (UTC)Reply

Done. Would you like to contribute a Farsi translation of errorMessage while you're at it? —Remember the dot (talk) 18:58, 11 December 2014 (UTC)Reply
Sure, I will be glad to. Here it is:
fa: "از آنجایی که زمان زیادی صرف آن می‌شد، برجسته‌سازی نحو در این صفحه غیرفعال شده است. بیشینهٔ زمان برجسته‌سازی برای ابزار $1ms تعریف شده در حالی که رایانهٔ شما $2ms زمان نیاز داشت. می‌توانید بستن برخی سربرگ‌ها و برنامه‌ها و سپس کلیک‌کردن دکمهٔ «پیش‌نمایش» یا «نمایش تغییرات» را بیازمایید. اگر جواب نداد مرورگر دیگری را امتحان کنید؛ و اگر باز هم جواب نداد، رایانهٔ سریع‌تری را بیازمایید.",
- Dalba 20 Azar 1393/ 22:19, 11 December 2014 (UTC)Reply

Fix error caused by <br> elements


Can the code ("/"==s.charAt(h-2)) be replaced with ("/"==s.charAt(h-2)||l[0].substring(1)=="br"). Or line 204 from the better formatted script from

if (text.charAt(tagEnd - 2) == "/" )


if (text.charAt(tagEnd - 2) == "/" || match[0].substring(1) == "br" )

This will allow the script automatically treat <br> elements as self closing, since they are.

Also, is there any specific reason the code here uses generic variables and no whitespace? --KnightMiner (t/c) 16:45, 15 June 2015 (UTC)Reply

I am not going to maintain a massive whitelist of every self-closing element that could possibly exist. Use <br/> instead. —Remember the dot (talk) 20:08, 15 June 2015 (UTC)Reply
I am not going to edit every article on Wikipedia just to replace <br> with <br/> just so I can have the syntax highlight work (especially since <br> is both perfectly valid HTML5 and commonly used). If you do not want to maintain a list, at least add a feature for a user to define their own list (such as by adding the case || syntaxHighlighterConfig.selfClosingTags && syntaxHighlighterConfig.selfClosingTags.test(match[0].substring(1)).). --KnightMiner (t/c) 22:11, 15 June 2015 (UTC)Reply
While adding a config option would be more palatable than maintaining a list, it would still place a sizable burden on the site administrators to make sure that the list of self-closing tags is exactly correct for the MediaWiki extensions installed on the site, taking into account that the tags may have different names in different languages. Also, standardizing on one tag form gives wikitext a more consistent appearance that is less confusing to people new to HTML. The argument that <br> should be supported because it is "valid HTML5" is not a great argument because HTML5's purpose was to make any widely supported design decision "standard" no matter how bad of an idea it was. In fact, even though it would be "valid" to leave <br> alone, MediaWiki automatically normalizes it to <br /> in the page output so that every page can be manually inspected with ease or parsed with a simple, low-overhead XML parser. In the same way, adding support for implicitly closed tags would also slow down the syntax highlighter's parser, and the #1 complaint about it has been that it's too slow already.
Long story short, I think the right thing to do is to gradually phase out implicitly closed tags in favor of explicitly closed tags in order to present a simple, clear syntax to users, minimize the burden on site administrators, and maximize highlighting speed. I don't expect you to agree with me, but I hope that you can at least see that this way forward has its advantages. I do have a question for you: Why are you using <br/> directly in the first place? Why not build it into templates and use it directly as little as possible? —Remember the dot (talk) 22:55, 15 June 2015 (UTC)Reply
Yes, standardization would be a easier (and faster) solution, but as it is currently not deprecated, I still conciser it more convenient. Also, until the software stops supports using it, I cannot see the users stopping using it even should it become deprecated, as quite a few times I have seen someone add a deprecated parameter (like clear="both" on a div) simply because it is shorter.
Specific cases I tend to see it include within table cells (such as on the articles on the various Doctor Who series) and talk pages (which better control formatting in the case of bullet lists and the occasional signature to add two half-height inline words). --KnightMiner (t/c) 01:49, 16 June 2015 (UTC)Reply

<br> is standard, users believe they edit the text in HTML-like style, not XML. Too much of a burden to follow every user and ask to use <br /> instead, not to mention that it requires unnecessary keystrokes. Browsers have accelerated in recent times, I believe the performance would not suffer much. Jack who built the house (talk) 15:10, 9 June 2016 (UTC)Reply

+1 This is the only major drawback of this gadget, not being able to highlight properly the text when <br> is used. And changing every page on every wiki is simply not an option. I don't know if MediaWiki normalization will keep producing <br /> if the replacement of Tidy is done as planned (phab:T89331). --NicoV (talk) 12:18, 22 July 2016 (UTC)Reply
For those who are interested, I have made a version that handles void tags defined by the HTML5 standard (just br and hr, as I believe the other ones are not working in wikitext) User:NicoV/Syntax highlighter.js (very few modifications). It's not minified yet, but if some of you want to test it (KnightMiner, Jack who built the house). --NicoV (talk) 10:59, 27 July 2018 (UTC)Reply
@NicoV: We had to fork the original version long ago in ruwiki because of this issue, see ru:MediaWiki:Gadget-DotsSyntaxHighlighter.js. Anyway, there is a new native syntax highlighter (based on CodeMirror) which supports <br>, so I see people are switching to using it. Jack who built the house (talk) 11:09, 27 July 2018 (UTC)Reply
@Jack who built the house: Thanks for the link to ruwiki version. I know about the new syntax highlighter, but I prefer to stick with the old one, because it's easier to fix errors like the ones from Special:LintErrors/missing-end-tag with it: the missing end tags tend to be very visible with this gadget, and almost invisible with the new one. --NicoV (talk) 12:27, 27 July 2018 (UTC)Reply

Ru localization


Please add russian variant for ErrorMessage:

ru: "Подсветка синтаксиса на этой странице была отключена, так как она очень длинная. Максимально допустимое время отклика - $1мс, а ваш компьютер использует $2мс. Попробуйте закрыть несколько вкладок и программ, затем щёлкнуть по кнопке «Предварительный просмотр» или «Внесённые изменения». Если гаджет по-прежнему не работает, попробуйте использовать другой браузер, и если он также не работает, то попробуйте использовать более быстрый компьютер.",

Alex Great (talk) 05:17, 15 August 2015 (UTC)Reply

Done, thank you! —Remember the dot (talk) 08:28, 15 August 2015 (UTC)Reply
  • I dunno how Alex translated it, but it looks like machine translation. A few expressions are plain wrong and general phrasing is weird. Here's a more human version:

Подсветка синтаксиса на странице была отключена, так как заняла слишком долго. Максимальное допустимое время операции - $1мс, сейчас на вашем компьютере она заняла $2мс. Попробуйте закрыть несколько вкладок и программ, затем нажать «Предварительный просмотр» или «Внесённые изменения». Если это не поможет, попробуйте другой браузер; если и это не поможет, используйте более быстрый компьютер.

Ivan Pozdeev (talk) 22:28, 30 May 2016 (UTC)Reply

Please replace Russian text into next version:
ru:"Подсветка синтаксиса на странице была отключена, так как обрабатывалась слишком долго. Максимальное допустимое время операции — $1мс, сейчас на вашем компьютере она заняла $2мс. Попробуйте закрыть несколько вкладок и программ, затем нажать «Предварительный просмотр» или «Внесённые изменения». Если это не поможет, попробуйте другой браузер; если и это не поможет, используйте более быстрый компьютер."
Kaganer (talk) 08:32, 18 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
Done, thank you! —Remember the dot (talk) 05:28, 19 March 2024 (UTC)Reply

Re evaluate ms edge support


Hi please could you re evaluate support for ms edge since I see it is blacklisted but with the November update it included some big changes to edge could you see if the bugs are fix so support can be re added please. 17:58, 22 November 2015 (UTC)Reply

Korean translation

ko:이 문서에서의 문법 강조가 너무 오래 걸러서 해제되었습니다. 최대로 할당된 강조 시간은 $1ms인데, 당신의 컴퓨터는 $2ms이나 걸렸습니다. 탭과 프로그램을 일부 닫으신 후에 \"미리 보기\"나 \"차이 보기\"를 클릭하시기 바랍니다. 만약 작동하지 않으면 다른 웹 브라우저로 시도해보시고, 그래도 안되면 더 빠른 컴퓨터를 이용하십시오

Please add this.--Namoroka (talk) 06:16, 30 April 2016 (UTC)Reply

Done, thank you! —Remember the dot (talk) 00:59, 3 May 2016 (UTC)Reply

Italian translation

it: L'evidenziazione delle sintassi su questa pagina è stata disabilitata perché ha richiesto troppo tempo. Il tempo massimo per l'evidenziazione è di $1ms e al tuo computer sono serviti $2ms. Prova a chiudere alcune schede e programmi e ricarica la pagina cliccando su \"Visualizza anteprima\" o \"Mostra modifiche\". Se non funziona ancora, prova con un web browser differente e, in ultima alternativa, prova ad utilizzare un computer più veloce.

--Fringioα†Ω 09:06, 29 June 2016 (UTC)Reply

Done, thank you! —Remember the dot (talk) 04:16, 16 April 2017 (UTC)Reply

Armenian translation

               hy: "Շարադասության ընդգծումը այս էջում անջատվել է, քանի որ այն չափից շատ է տևել։ Ընդգծման թույլատրելի առավելագույն ժամանակը $1 միլիվայրկյան է, բայց այս էջում տևել է $2 միլիվայրկյան։ Փորձեք անջատել որոշ ներդիրներ կամ ծրագրեր և սեղմել «Նախադիտել» կամ «Կատարված փոփոխությունները»։ Կրկին չաշխատելու դեպքում փորձեք այլ վեբ դիտարկիչ, եթե կրկին չաշխատի, փորձեք ավելի արագ համակարգիչ։",

Please add this.--Ashot (talk) 11:35, 17 July 2016 (UTC)Reply

Done, thank you! —Remember the dot (talk) 04:16, 16 April 2017 (UTC)Reply

Sr localization


Please add serbian variant for ErrorMessage:

sr: Истицање синтаксе на овој страници је онемогућено јер се одвија предуго. Максимално дозвољено време истицања је $1ms, а на Вашем рачунару траје $2ms. Покушајте затворити неке картице и програме или кликните на Прикажи претпреглед или Прикажи измене. Ако то не ради, покушајте са другим веб-прегледачем, а ако и тада не ради, покушајте са бржим рачунаром.",

--Ранко Николић (talk) 00:09, 25 March 2017 (UTC)Reply

Done, thank you! —Remember the dot (talk) 04:16, 16 April 2017 (UTC)Reply

TypeError: $.client is undefined


https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Gadget-DotsSyntaxHighlighter.js triggers the following error: TypeError: $.client is undefined Maybe due to phab:T122755 --AKlapper (WMF) (talk) 14:07, 5 May 2017 (UTC)Reply

It looks like it could be fixed by adding dependency on "jquery.client" in ResourceLoader: https://uk.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki%3AGadgets-definition&type=revision&diff=20255414&oldid=20255370 --DixonD (talk) 17:55, 5 May 2017 (UTC)Reply
That dependency has been already in place?: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition --AKlapper (WMF) (talk) 10:17, 7 May 2017 (UTC)Reply
Which site do you see the error on? —Remember the dot (talk) 04:08, 9 May 2017 (UTC)Reply

Sorry! We could not process your edit due to a loss of session data.


Hi, I have a strange error when I change the location of your original script (from mediawiki.org) to another private common site (named here fr-ii.demopaedia.org). All the MediaWiki:Gadget-DotsSyntaxHighlighter.js files of my wiki farm (en-ii.demopaedia.org, it-ii.demopaedia.org etc) are changed from:




excepting the master fr-ii.demopaedia.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Gadget-DotsSyntaxHighlighter.js which content is filled with your original javascript code (not by another mw.loader.load from mediawiki).

On the master fr-ii site, everything works, I can edit (with colored witki syntax) and save modifications, but on any other site (en-ii.demopaedia.org, etc) if I can edit (with colored wiki syntax), I can't save my modifications, and it is said:

Sorry! We could not process your edit due to a loss of session data.

You might have been logged out. Please verify that you're still logged in and try again. If it still does not work, try logging out and logging back in, and check that your browser allows cookies from this site.

Any idea in the settings of my wiki farm which involves such a bizarre behaviour?

My purpose is modify your original code in order to highligt differently "named" templates (otherwise they are all yellow), but to keep the modifications in a single master (private) site loaded by each wiki of the farm.--Nbrouard (talk) 11:20, 19 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

I honestly don't know. Does the problem still happen if you turn off the syntax highlighter? —Remember the dot (talk) 15:12, 22 June 2017 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for your prompt answer. Glad to know that you don't know. Yes, if syntax highlightter is off, we don't have this message (as well as no syntax highlighting). Thus, because import doesn't work, I will have to upload the source code in any language of our dictionary and for any modification.
We have a lot of template and wiki source was unreadable. Now it is better, text to be modified or to be read is in white. Templates are in different colors.
We also have "notes" which are in green.
If you are curious and want to look at section 10 of the English demographic dictionary http://en-ii.demopaedia.org/wiki/10 and its source highlighted code http://en-ii.demopaedia.org/w/index.php?title=10&action=edit
The modified javascript ocde is at http://en-ii.demopaedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-DotsSyntaxHighlighter.js
I use your recursivity in the templates but have to find their name and the vertical bar which stops the recursivity and his very specific to our template. I appreciated the way how you sinc.
Many thanks. --Nbrouard (talk) 19:20, 24 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

Empty space


Hi, some users have noticed an empty space between the textarea and the edit toolbar, see screenshot. The problem can be replicated in mediawiki.org enabling "Dot's syntax highlighter" in preferences/gadgets and then editing a page. --Rotpunkt (talk) 10:02, 18 April 2018 (UTC)Reply

I've noticed this too. I'll look into it. —Remember the dot (talk) 15:06, 18 April 2018 (UTC)Reply
I think I fixed it. Apologies for not dealing with this problem until you mentioned it. Please let me know if you notice anything else that looks wrong. —Remember the dot (talk) 15:25, 18 April 2018 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for your fix and your support! Cheers. --Rotpunkt (talk) 15:37, 18 April 2018 (UTC)Reply

Belarusan localisation


Hello. Please add these:

                be-tarask: "Падсьветка сынтаксісу на гэтай старонцы была адключаная, бо заняла шмат часу. Максымальна дапушчальны час апэрацыі — $1мс, а на вашым кампутары яна заняла $2мс. Паспрабуйце зачыніць нейкія закладкі і праграмы і націснуць «Праглядзець» або «Паказаць зьмены». Калі гэта не дапаможа, паспрабуйце іншы броўзэр; калі й гэта не дапаможа, выкарыстайце магутнейшы кампутар.".

--Renessaince (talk) 09:53, 24 July 2018 (UTC)Reply

Done, thank you! —Remember the dot (talk) 06:30, 29 July 2018 (UTC)Reply
Are You sure it will work with «be-tarask» code as well? (not «be»). --Renessaince (talk) 08:52, 30 July 2018 (UTC)Reply
All Belarusan dialects will see the same message, yes. Do you need different messages for different dialects? —Remember the dot (talk) 05:38, 1 August 2018 (UTC)Reply
Ok, it fits for now. Thanks. --Renessaince (talk) 15:49, 2 August 2018 (UTC)Reply

Bug concerning the highlighter in French Wikipedia



I'm a French contributor and I'm using the highlighter gadget when editing wikicode.

It appears that the tag <br> induces coloring of the text when it should not do (because Madiawiki is expecting a closing tag, which obviously never appears) : this phenomenon imposes to use the old one <br />.

Is there a possibility to fix this bug ? If not, there will be necessary to continue to use the old tag <br /> which pretendingly disappeared with html5.

Please do not hesitate to ask if my request is unclear.

Thanks in advance. Best regards. --Gkml (talk) 15:27, 12 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

Both <br> and <br/> are perfectly acceptable in HTML5. The syntax highlighter accepts only <br/> for consistency and performance. It's usually better to use templates instead of inserting <br/> directly into the page anyway. —Remember the dot (talk) 07:32, 17 December 2018 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for the answer Remember the dot. What do you mean exactly with "It's usually better to use templates" ? Because there are many cases where you have no choice. Regards. --Gkml (talk) 17:48, 21 December 2018 (UTC)Reply
For example, if you have a template that takes a single parameter for both an image and its caption (and it expects you to put a <br/> between the image and the caption), it's better to redesign the template to have a parameter for the image and a separate parameter for the caption. —Remember the dot (talk) 03:48, 22 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

zh-hans localization



Please add zh-hans(Simplified Chinese) variant for ErrorMessage:

zh-hans: "由于渲染耗时过长, 语法高亮已在本页禁用。在设定中渲染时间被限制在$1毫秒以内,但这次我们耗去了$2毫秒。您可以尝试关闭一些标签页和程序,并点击“显示预览”或“显示更改”。如果这不起作用,请尝试更换一个不同的浏览器。如果这还不起作用,请尝试更换一个更快的电脑=w=。",

[moegirl 1]

Please add this
請添加這些--Zyksnowy (talk) 08:56, 9 February 2020 (UTC)Reply

Hi Zyksnowy, is this your own work? I would be happy to add a Chinese translation, but it looks like you just copied the translation from moegirl.org, which is under the CC-BY-NC-SA license which is not compatible with the syntax highlighter's license. If you are, however, User:AnnAngela on that wiki then there is no problem. —Remember the dot (talk) 19:10, 29 March 2020 (UTC)Reply
I'm sorry,I'm not User:AnnAngela on that wiki……but I can give you a new translation version……
zh-hant: "此頁面上的語法突出顯示被禁用,因為它花費的時間太長。允許的突出顯示時間最長為$1毫秒,而您的計算機則為$2毫秒。請嘗試關閉一些標籤和程序,然後單擊“顯示預覽”或“顯示更改”。如果不起作用,請嘗試使用其他網頁瀏覽器,如果还不起作用,請嘗試使用速度更快的計算機。",
--Zyksnowy (talk) 11:42, 30 March 2020 (UTC)Reply
Done, thank you! Currently all Chinese-language users will see the same message, but if you come up with a separate Simplified Chinese message then I am happy to add that too. —Remember the dot (talk) 05:53, 31 March 2020 (UTC)Reply

Compare with new <textarea> design


Hi, the developers recently updated the WikiText editor (phab:T174119) and now, for example, the border

wpTextbox1.style.border = "1px inset gray";

is not needed. Can you update the design due to changes? Iniquity (talk) 20:02, 11 May 2020 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for letting me know! I just updated the script to be able to handle arbitrary border styles, which I'm hoping will resolve this problem no matter how MediaWiki's various skins are changed in the future. —Remember the dot (talk) 03:27, 12 May 2020 (UTC)Reply
Thank you! :) I would like to know, can all the inline styles be transferred to some class? This will help users who want to change the textarea. Iniquity (talk) 13:28, 12 May 2020 (UTC)Reply
The styling of the textarea and the background div have to be kept practically identical. Since there is no way to detect changes to CSS that might affect the style of the textarea, the highligher simply reads what the textarea style is when the page loads and then locks it to those values via the style attribute. So users are able to do a large amount of customization of the textarea style, they just can't change the style dynamically after the page has loaded. (Although actually they could change the textarea styles arbitrarily after the page loads as long as they were to be careful to change the background div in the same way.) —Remember the dot (talk) 06:34, 17 May 2020 (UTC)Reply

vec translation


vec: L'evidensiasion de łe sintasi so sta voxe ła xe dexabiłitada par che ła ga dimandà masa tenpo. El tenpo màsemo par l'evidensiasion ła xe de $1ms e al to dispoxidivo a ghene xe cadesti $2ms. Proa a sarar calche scheda e programa e recarga ła pàjina schiciando so \"Varda ła anteprima\" o \"Mostra canbiaminti\". Se no el funsiona oncora, proa co on altro navegador web difarente e, cofà ùltema alternadiva, proa a doparar on dispoxidivo pì sèłero
Please add this -Fierodelveneto (talk) 15:28, 29 June 2020 (UTC)Reply

Done, thank you! —Remember the dot (talk) 05:24, 11 August 2020 (UTC)Reply

PL translation


Hey! Here's my Polish translation for the error message. Can you add it?

Podświetlanie składni na tej stronie zostało wyłączone, ponieważ wczytywanie trwało zbyt długo. Maksymalny dozwolony czas wynosi $1ms, Twojemu komputerowi zajęło to $2ms. Spróbuj zamknąć kilka zakładek lub programów w tle, a następnie kliknij „Pokaż podgląd” lub „Podgląd zmian”. Jeśli to nie zadziała, wypróbuj inną przeglądarkę internetową lub szybszy komputer.

Rail01 (talk) 13:31, 31 July 2020 (UTC)Reply

BTW regarding one of your changes: you can use const in MediaWiki scripts since that is a registered keyword in ES3. Only let isn't supported. Rail01 (talk) 15:39, 31 July 2020 (UTC)Reply
I added the translation, thanks! As far as `const` being available in ES5, I have to say "citation needed"--I don't see anything about it in the ES5 specification. —Remember the dot (talk) 05:24, 11 August 2020 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for adding my translation <3 And as you can read in ECMAScript 3 specifications, const was registered back in 2000 and it's absolutely fine to use it with MediaWiki's resource loader that can parse everything compatible with ES5 and some features with newer ECMAScript versions. I was surprised when I was told about that, too but I can confirm it works. Example: MediaWiki:Facebook.js on Gothicpedia. Rail01 (talk) 12:01, 11 August 2020 (UTC)Reply

Uncaught TypeError: Window.getComputedStyle: Argument 1 is not an object.


Hello User:Remember_the_dotǃ When I visit https://ca.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?action=edit&preload=M%C3%B2dul+Discussi%C3%B3%3APOTD%2F%C3%BAs%2Ftext&editintro=Viquip%C3%A8dia%3ATranscripci%C3%B3+del+rus%2FConsulta%2Fintro&title=Viquip%C3%A8dia%3AP%C3%A0gina+de+proves%2F%D0%91%D1%80%D0%B4%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B0&create=Transcriu with this gadget installed I am getting this JS error.

The gadget seems to assume that wpTextbox1 = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1"); will always match an element but that's not the case. Please could you refactor the function to consider this could be null? It seems to be effecting a non-zero amount of users on a variety of pages according to production error logs. Thanks in advanceǃ Jdlrobson (talk) 18:29, 8 August 2020 (UTC) ̴̴̴̴Reply

I don't see any error on that page. Is there some other gadget that has to be running to trigger the problem? —Remember the dot (talk) 06:50, 11 August 2020 (UTC)Reply
User:Remember_the_dot I'm able to replicate it on bn.wikipedia.org after enabling all the gadgets there and visiting https://bn.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E0%A6%A8%E0%A6%95%E0%A7%81%E0%A6%B2%E0%A7%87%E0%A6%B6%E0%A7%8D%E0%A6%AC%E0%A6%B0_%E0%A6%B8%E0%A6%B0%E0%A6%95%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%B0?action=edit&debug=true with VisualEditor enabled and working.

It's occurring because it overlooks the fact that `document.getElementById("wpTextbox1")` may return null when VisualEditor is loaded and you can't run window.getComputedStyle(null) without an error. The script should return early and not run if the element is absent IMO. Jon (WMF) (talk) 20:44, 18 November 2020 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for the explanation. It should be fixed now. —Remember the dot (talk) 02:55, 20 November 2020 (UTC)Reply

Fi translation


Hi, please add the following as a translation for Finnish (fi):

Syntaksin korostus on pois käytöstä tällä sivulla, koska siinä kesti liian kauan. Suurin sallittu korostukseen käytetty aika on $1ms, ja tietokoneellasi kesti $2ms. Kokeile sulkea joitain välilehtiä tai ohjelmia ja paina \"Esikatsele\" tai \"Näytä muutokset\". Jos se ei toimi, kokeile toista selainta, ja jos se ei toimi, kokeile nopeampaa tietokonetta.

Thanks!  Majavah talk · edits 06:44, 11 August 2020 (UTC)Reply

Done, thank you! —Remember the dot (talk) 06:47, 11 August 2020 (UTC)Reply

ja translation


Hi, please add my Japanese translation for the error message:

ja: "このページでの構文の強調表示は、時間がかかりすぎたため無効になりました。許容される時間の最大値は$1ミリ秒で、ご利用のコンピューターでは$2ミリ秒かかりました。いくつかのタブやプログラムを閉じて、「プレビューを表示」または「差分を表示」をクリックしてみてください。それが機能しない場合は、別のWebブラウザーをお試しください。それが機能しない場合は、より高速なコンピューターでお試しください。",

--Shirayuki (talk) 06:12, 24 October 2020 (UTC)Reply

Done, thank you! —Remember the dot (talk) 05:18, 27 October 2020 (UTC)Reply

Feature request: ‎<translate> tags in source tags or HTML comments


Hi, thank you so much for providing this useful syntax highlighter.

Please add support for ‎<translate>...‎</translate> tags in source tags or HTML comments, e.g.

<syntaxhighlight lang="php">
# <translate nowrap><!--T:1--> translatable comment</translate>
wfLoadSkin( 'Vector' );
* <translate><!--T:2--> a translation unit</translate><!--
* <translate><!--T:3--> hidden, but enabled translation unit</translate>
* <translate><!--T:4--> another translation unit</translate>

-- Shirayuki (talk) 22:27, 15 November 2020 (UTC)Reply

Please correct the Hungarian spelling


In hu: "$1ms, és a géped $2ms" should be "$1 ms, és a géped $2 ms" (a space is needed between the number and "ms"). Thank you! Bináristalk 20:47, 29 September 2022 (UTC)Reply

Done, thank you! —Remember the dot (talk) 21:17, 12 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

Coloration syntaxique


For your information. 14:09, 7 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

Arabic msg translation


@Remember the dot: Please add Arabic translation:

ar: "عُطل تمييز بناء الجملة في هذه الصفحة لأنه استغرق وقتًا طويلًا. الحد الأقصى المسموح به لوقت التمييز هو $1 مللي ثانية ، واستغرق جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك $2 مللي ثانية. حاول إغلاق بعض علامات التبويب والبرامج والنقر فوق «إظهار المعاينة» أو «إظهار التغييرات». إذا لم يفلح ذلك ، فجرب متصفح ويب مختلفا، وإذا لم ينجح ذلك، فجرب جهاز كمبيوتر أسرع"

حبيشان (talk) 07:26, 19 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Done, thank you! —Remember the dot (talk) 00:56, 29 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Worng splitter position after msg appeared


After error mag appears the splitter take worng position as in picture. — Preceding unsigned comment added by حبيشان (talkcontribs) 10:16, 19 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Inline styles interfere with enwiki's CSS


I really like User:Remember the dot/Syntax highlighter.js, because for me it works faster than syntax highlighting with CodeMirror.

Recently, I reported an issue on enwiki. I've tracked it down to line 640 of this gadget:

        wpTextbox1.style.backgroundColor         = "transparent";

Because the gadget uses inline styles, overriding the background color requires !important. For an example, see en:Special:Diff/1235642137 – a workaround for non-working en:MediaWiki:Group-templateeditor.css, which is supposed to set a pink background in editor for protected pages. As far as I know, enwiki doesn't set syntaxHighlighterSiteConfig.backgroundColor (insource search). In my case, wpTextbox0 ends up with white background (from line 568, I guess), instead of expected pink on wpTextbox1 (which has the CSS class .mw-textarea-protected in such cases).

Could you please clarify what wpTextbox1.style.backgroundColor = "transparent"; accomplishes? Is there a way to fix this without workarounds with !important? —⁠andrybak (talk) 17:23, 20 July 2024 (UTC)Reply

The syntax highlighter creates a colorful pseudo-textbox behind the real textbox, and makes the real textbox's background transparent so that the color shines through. But more to the point, unless the user says otherwise, the highlighter changes the background color to white and the foreground color to black. If it kept any background or foreground color, it could obscure either the text or the highlighting, defeating the purpose of the gadget. I'm glad that the syntax highlighter is working well for you in general, but unfortunately, I don't see a good way to both keep the pink background on protected pages and keep the syntax highlighting. There should be a large warning above the textbox on protected pages to inform you that the page is protected, and I would hope that that would be sufficient. —Remember the dot (talk) 05:00, 22 July 2024 (UTC)Reply